27 September 2011

Eggy Toast/French Toast - 9 bulan ke atas

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat??? French Toast??? Eggy Bread????? EGGS???

Are you sure????

OK sebelum semua orang jump the bandwagon, sila perhatikan photo saya di bawah ini CAREFULLY

I was given this INSTRUCTIONS when Mimi had her jab at 6 months - Untuk Menguji Alahan Sebelum Suntikan MMR (sumber: PPUM Klinik Immunisasi)

So at 8 months Mimi has already tried the kuning telur then the putih telur as well. So basically at 9 months dia dah GRADUATE with FLYING COLORS :)

Which means, she can have Eggy Toast and +1 menu for breakfast (tade la mommy dia pening kepala nak bagi makan apa kan for breakfast)

Obviously semua orang tahu kan camne nak buat Eggy Toast or French Toast?

...just crack a couple of eggs into a dish large enough for your bread, fling in the slices and then prick with a fork so that it better absorbs the egg. Once you are satisfied that the bread is suitably eggy, drop it into some warmed olive oil in a frying pan and fry it until golden-ish : 
Sometimes I used 1 teaspoon of ghee untuk bagi harum sikit and because ghee has a high smoking point (yes you can give ghee but only 2 teaspoon per day sahaja)

I've also found creative ways to incorporate prunes on her eggy toast (as usualy saya seorang mak yang suka anak ada healthy bowel movement and as you know TOAST is BRAT)

ahaa saya sembunyikan PRUNE!

ok di atas adalah Eggy Bread Mimi dan softly mashed Prune (Prune di rendam dalam air panas hingga soft - saya buat banyak sekali dan simpan dalam fridge)

Cara yang pertama, saya potong Eggy Bread kecik, snip tepi dia sikit dengan kitchen scissors dan masukkan kepingan prune

Cara yang kedua pula, saya lenyekkan lagi prune tu...sampai jadi seolah-olah macam jem dan sapukan

Selepas tu saya katup or lipat jadi separuh dan potong bite size

So kiranya macam ini Mimi's first jam he he he

Nak tahu kenapa susah payah buat camni? Sebab pada suatu hari Mimi protes! - picky eater mode ON. "I die die tak mo prune mommy katanya"


Tapi Mommy lebih bijak *smile*
"Ape nih?? Benda BARU!"

 "Mari kita cuba rasa...menarik"

 "Another piece...ooo finger licking GOOD!!"
 "Heh??? APA?? PRUNE???"

"Hehehe Mommy you're so smart :P Mimi tertipu laaaah!"

Ok. As mentioned, try Eggy Bread/French Toast if your baby dah graduate from the 1month rule step by step yang telah I bentangkan which I got from PPUM.  The best way is to give it in the bubur FIRST. If everything is ok then Eggy Bread that is.

Eggy Bread is a good BLW recipe to try as well...I got ideas from here ;)


  1. wah..mimi buat geram nie..he..he..sa pun mmg dah start bg kembar mcm nie cuma intinya dlm isi ikan yg dibuat serunding..Sedap..twin pun x suka prune ba..mau buat jem dr buah apa lagi ya farah?

  2. Fara : apple sudah distew pun boleh dear..

  3. baby saya 8months. telur kuning yang nak dimasukkan dalam bubur tu, lepas dah boil telur baru masukkan yg kuning or masa telur mentah lagi,kita separatekan kuning n putih then masukkan yang kuning dlm bubur masa tengah masak?

  4. masukkan kuning yang dah di asingkan, mentah ke dalam bubur


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